Nowdays, With the advance of computer and software it is totally inefficient to use 2D CAD software. The common practice in all competitive firms is the use of 3D design software and in some case 3D-design and integration with BIM.

1. Revit Architecture by Autodesk

2. Allplan Architecture by Allplan

From the initial draft idea, working drawing and detailed design through to construction cost planning, you have a BIM software with a wealth of planning and visualization tools.

3. Vectorworks Architecture

4. ArchiCAD by Graphisoft

GRAPHISOFT ignited the BIM revolution in 1984 with ARCHICAD, the industry first BIM software for architects. GRAPHISOFT continues to lead the industry with innovative solutions such as its revolutionary BIMcloud, the worlds first real-time BIM collaboration environment; EcoDesigner STAR, the worlds first fully BIM-integrated GREEN design solution; and BIMx, the worlds leading mobile app for BIM visualization.

5. Arcon Evo

Professional building design software for architects and building professionals. The all-in-one architectural design solution for detailed 2D drawings and high quality 3D visualisations

6. Chief Architect

7. Bentley Architecture


8. Sketch Up

9. Home Designer Architectural